Welcome to the little church on the hilll. We are located on the old hwy 68 in beautiful Fairview, KY. As an indepentant non-denominational church, we hold to the traditional gospel teachings of Christ. Our foundation scriptures are John 3:16 and John 14:6. Like so many churches that have weathered the sifting of their commitment to the word of God in the past 4 years , we also came to a place where we were forced to choose between whose will is higher, God or man? We chose God. But such efforts do not come without a cost. As a new church, we find ourselves experiencing the needs of many fresh start churches. We need to grow. We need people who love the uncompromised word of the Lord. We need workers. We need you. There is a trend today for many churches to ignore what the word of God says about what God calls sin, the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, the need for repentance, and the believing on Christ. As believers, if we are truly sincere about wanting a closer walk with our heavenly Father , we must have a desire to follow the uncompromised word of our Lord. Here at Fairview Memorial Church we hold to a biblical view and not a world view . If you would like to be our new and growing fellowship please come and join us. We would love to see you! - Pastor Mike Bullard